Thursday, July 24, 2008


Bigfoot is an alleged ape-like creature said to inhabit remote forest, mainly in the Pacific northwest region of the United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Bigfoot is sometimes described as a large, hairy, and some believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, the Yeren of mainland China, and the Yowie of Australia. Bigfoot is one of the more famous examples of mystery animal, with a large ongoing debate on whether it exists or not.

Bigfoot is described as being between 6–10 feet tall, and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair. The head seems to sit directly on the shoulders, with no apparent neck. Witnesses say that the big foot have a large eyes and the head like a male gorila but walk like a human.

Some people think that Bigfoot is the evolution of a gorila or ape that can walk like human and the next evolution,the Bigfoot will be shape like human. But until now no one really sure what Bigfoot eat or where its nest is and there no solid prove to show that the Bigfoot really exists.

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